
Louis XIV: Le Roi Soleil

Italy must now yield to France the prize and garland which it has borne hitherto from all the nations of the earth, in what regards the excellency of architecture, the beauty of the carving, the magnificence of painting, and the invention of aqueducts. . . Versailles alone suffices to secure forever to France the glory it has at present, in surpassing all other kingdoms in the science of building: and it is beholding for this high esteem to the grandeur and magnificence of Louis the Great.

Sieur des Combes (1684)

Kings were established by the people to preserve their persons, lives, liberty, and properties. But the government of France has risen to such excessive tyranny that the prince today regards everything as belonging to him alone. . .

It sometimes happens that princes and sovereigns exact levies that appear excessive and greatly inconvenience individuals, but are required by what are called the needs and necessities of the state. In France there is no such thing. There are neither needs nor state. As for the state, earlier it entered into everything; one spoke only of the interests of the state, the needs of the state, the preservation of the state, and the service of the state. To speak this way today would literally be a crime of lese majesty [treason]. The king has taken the place of the state. It is the service of the king, the interest of the king, the preservation of the provinces and wealth of the king. Therefore the king is all and the state nothing. . .

Pierre Jurieu (1690)

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