
The next step in the process is to get the building weather-tight.  
Up to now, when it rained it poured - inside and out.

The front of the house with Tyvek installed. The Tyvek is a house wrap that permits moisture to pass from the inside out but not outside in.

A view of the back with the Tyvek started.

An interior view of the Living Room wall with the fireplace niche above the firebox.

some roof trusses - like our cantilvered front porch ones - need to denote
where they bear structurally so they get properly installed.

It's the little things that help down the line.  For example the framers here
added a board at the ceiling to help the drywallers secure the gypsum board.

Our tubs are now secured in place.  Plastic vapor barrier is placed on the inside of the walls so moisture won't psass through and damage the insulation.  This vapor barrier will be placed on the interior surface of all the exterior walls.

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